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  • WOOD DIFFUSER 矮圓柱純木擴香器
  • WOOD DIFFUSER 矮圓柱純木擴香器
  • WOOD DIFFUSER 矮圓柱純木擴香器
  • WOOD DIFFUSER 矮圓柱純木擴香器



Let its pleasant scent infuse your home with the Wood Diffuser to purify the ambience for physical and emotional benefits. Perfect for setting up the mood to focus on work or study. The package comes with a 10 ml essential oil with various options for you to choose from.


Wood Weight: Approx. 10g

Wood Dimension: 4cm Dia. x 4cm Height 

Essential Oil: 10ml

Essential Oil Glass Bottle Dimension: 2.5cm Dia. x 8.2cm Height 

Package Total Weight: Approx.100g

Expected Usage: Up to 3 months

All crystals have been purified before shipping




The usage of Wood Diffuser is different from the fragrance lamp or the eletronic aroma diffuser. Drop your favorite essential oil into the Wood Diffuser, and in a small space, you can quietly feel the pure fragrance brought by the natural essential oil. The Wood Diffuser can be used in different occasions and spaces. For example, you can use essential oils to help focus and refresh your desk at work; add some fragrance to the space in the car; drop a few drops of essential oil to relax, good for sleep and you can use them in the closet.

  • 純木擴香器用法有別於薰香燈或香薰機,屬於較低調的感受。把自己喜歡的精油滴入擴香木中,在一個獨自的小空間內,能靜靜地感受到天然精油給您帶來的純粹香氛,與愉悅心情!擴香木可用於不同場合空間,可以有不同的使用方式。如上班辦公桌上可使用幫助專注提神的精油;車內空間可增加一些芬香;床頭睡前滴上幾滴放鬆助眠的精油,讓自己好眠;衣櫃裡可以使用有驅蟲效果的精油,安心健康環保。

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